About Us

Founded in 2000 to publish business books that champion the spirit of American entrepreneurs and small-business owners, The Armarium Press branched into travel writing and a children’s educational book series in 2007 with its Canterbury Tails Books imprint.

What Is an Armarium?

The Armarium Press Woodcut by Matthew Grogan

Scribes and scholars of the ancient world would store a valuable scroll or codex in an armarium, the precursor to the modern bookcase. Just as the armaria protected those early works of learning, we at The Armarium Press aim to preserve some of the oldest traditions of book publishing.

The small creatures from the original woodcut by Tucson artist Matthew Grogan that forms our company logo stand for speed (the butterfly) and steadfastness (the crab). During the Renaissance, the earliest commercial printers used  these and similar symbols to represent the Latin phrase festina lente, which we have taken for our motto. Translated  as “make haste slowly,” these words embody the spirit with which we publish our books.

The Armarium Press: Festina Lente